Visual Utilites


Inline Block

.fizz-inline-block applies the inline-block value, making an element work like an inline element while respecting top/bottom margins and padding.


Use these utilities to change the display property of an element to hidden, removing it from the flow of the document, either on small screens (less than 700px), large screens (greater than 700px) or both.

Utility Class Description
.fizz-hidden Hides an element
.fizz-hide-on-small Hides an element when the viewport is < 700px
.fizz-hide-on-large Hides an element when the viewport is > 700px


Use .fizz-bordered to apply a border and radius to an element. Or you can use .fizz-bordered-squared to add borders without rounding the corners.

This has a border and rounded corners.

This has a border only.

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-inset-square-16">
<p>This has a border and rounded corners.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered-squared fizz-inset-square-16">
<p>This has a border only.</p>

Hover state

Sometimes you may want the border to have an active-border on hover. Use the .fizz-bordered--hover class with the .fizz-bordered class.

This border has a hover state.

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-bordered--hover">
<p>This border has a hover state.</p>

You can also apply just a border to one side of an element.

This has a top border.

This has a left border.

This has a right border.

This has a bottom border.

<div class="fizz-border-top fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a top border.</p>

<div class="fizz-border-left fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a left border.</p>

<div class="fizz-border-right fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a right border.</p>

<div class="fizz-border-bottom fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a bottom border.</p>

Outline Active

Apply .fizz-outline-active to highlight an element. This uses outline rather than border to prevent increasing the size of the element's box model. The outline will take on the shape of the element's border radius.

This element has an active outline

This element has an active outline + .fizz-bordered

<div class="fizz-inset-square-16 fizz-outline-active">
<p>This element has an active outline</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-inset-square-16 fizz-outline-active">
<p>This element has an active outline + <code>.fizz-bordered</code></p>

Border Radius

The default radius is 4px ($radius-medium). You can apply utility classes to adjust this radius in certain circumstances. Use .fizz-radius-none and .fizz-radius-medium sparingly, when needing to override elements with existing border radius applied.


This has no border radius.


This has a 2px border radius.


This has a 4px border radius.


This has a 8px border radius.


This has a 16px border radius.


This has a 50% border radius.

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-none fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has no border radius.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-small fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a 2px border radius.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-medium fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a 4px border radius.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-large fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a 8px border radius.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-xlarge fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px;">

<p>This has a 16px border radius.</p>

<div class="fizz-bordered fizz-radius-round fizz-inset-square-16"
style="width: 320px; aspect-ratio: 1; display: grid; place-items: center;">

<p>This has a 50% border radius.</p>

Centering Content

Use .fizz-margin-auto to set the left and right margins of a block element to auto, effectively centering it.

<button class="fizz-button-primary fizz-margin-auto">This is centered</button>


Use .fizz-elevation-1 to apply a shadow to an element.

This has a box shadow.


By default, if the aspect-ratio of an image src doesn't match the size of it's container, it will be distorted to fit that aspect ratio.

<img src="×300"
style="aspect-ratio: 16/9"

There are a couple of utilities you can apply to change this behavior.


Use .fizz-contain to set object-fit: contain on an image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio while fitting inside its container.

<img src="×300"
style="aspect-ratio: 16/9"
class="fizz-contain fizz-bordered"


Use .fizz-cover to set object-fit: cover on an image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio while filling the container to fit the image.

<img src="×300"
style="aspect-ratio: 16/9"
class="fizz-cover fizz-bordered"